Skladba: Story Of A Lonely Guy
Autor: Blink 182
A H C#
Push it out, fake a smile
D, A
Avert disaster, just in time
I need a drink, cause in a while
Worthless answer from friends in mind
It's dumb to ask, cool to ignore
Girls posess me, but they're never mine
I made my entrance, avoided hazards
Checked my engine, I fell behind
I fell behind
A D F#, E
She makes me feel like it's raining outside
And when the storm's gone i'm all torn up inside
I'm always nervous on, days like this like the prom
I get too scared to move, cause i'm a fuckin' boy
Remember when I was in the grocery store, now's my time
Lost the words,lost my nerve, lost the girl, left a line
I would wish upon a star, but that star, it doesn't shine
So read my book with a boring ending
A short story of a lonely guy
I fell behind
She makes me feel like it's raining outside
And when the storm's gone i'm all torn up inside
I'm always nervous on, days like this like the prom
I get too scared to move, cause i'm a fuckin' boy
C# D E C# D E C# D E A C# H
She makes me feel like it's raining outside
And when the storm's gone i'm all torn up inside
I'm always nervous on, days like this like the prom
I get too scared to move, cause i'm still just a stupid worthless boy

Akordy kytara:
A, H, C#, D,, D, E, F#,
kytara akord A ( akord H ( akord C# ( akord D ( akord E (
Akordy ukulele:
ukulele akord A ( akord H ( akord C# ( akord D ( akord E (
Akordy klavír:
klavír, piano akord A (ír, piano akord H (ír, piano akord C# (ír, piano akord D, (ír, piano akord D (ír, piano akord E (ír, piano akord F#, (
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Blink 182 - Story Of A Lonely Guy [text a akordy na]

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